Saturday, May 21, 2011

Harold Camping is an Ass

Confused Harold, sitting in his office and wondering when the next doomsday will be. Soon, Harold? We're dying to know!
That may sound a little harsh, but I've been kind of keeping track of and researching this Harold Camping, and I am terribly annoyed by him. I realize this has nothing to do with the senses or dreams or whatever crap I talk about, but I needed to make this fact public: Harold Camping is a pathetic, crazy old fool with nothing better to do than make apocalyptic predictions and trick gullible people into giving up their jobs and lives for this meaningless cause. Harold, what's up with that?
You were wrong, my friend. Although some say he has 11 more days after the prediction to maybe still be correct. Good luck with conjuring up a doomsday by that time.
And I'm officially declaring that May 21st shall forever be a world holiday: "Harold Camping is an Ass Day"
It'll be great. We can sell shirts and buttons and really make this whole thing fun for everyone. Harold, you're invited. There should be some tents set up in his disgraceful name.
I could go on about how crazy this whole thing is, but that's not necessary. I'll leave it at this and save up my dried food in my nuclear shelter for the real apocalypse: December 21st, 2012. How could that not be it? It's got so many 1s and 2s! (12-21-12)
Mayans are (probably) my people anyway.


  1. yeah, its like can his earlobes get any longer. Momma always said never ta trust a man with lobes as long as toothpicks. Good riddens to bad earlobes.

  2. The biggest asshole.

    Bloody 89 yrs has few yrs to live and dfaming christians.

  3. Haroldtards:
    Followers and believers in Harold Camping’s prophecy’s.
