Monday, April 11, 2011

The Effects of Sleep on Health

"I'm tie-owed," yawned the sleepy Joseph Ducreux.
Alright, faithful readers. I've a small assignment for you. Now we're really stretching far away from the whole senses ordeal with a beautiful survey I helped write and formulate. It's about the effects of sleep on one's health, and though this study has probably been done many times in many different forms, here's one more for the books.
There are some limiting factors for who should be taking this survey. It's focusing more on the college demographic, so don't take this survey unless your are currently a full-time student at a college.
Here's that link you've been waiting for so anxiously:

Take it and be done!
Also, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up about potentially winning some sort of compensation (like $20 cash...!), so I won't by explaining right here, right now, that there is a very small chance of you winning anything, including all of that dirty, filthy $20. Some would like to call it a zero percent chance of winning anything. I'm included in that "some" who would like to call it that, and I would know. So there's that. Good luck!

When the results are in, I'll post them on this here blog and we can all revel in the glorious information that we all already knew: regular nightly sleeping is beneficial to your health. Now get to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Blogger. I have never mentioned to you, I have experienced the an ultraviolet lucid dream. It was located in the back of my yard, where I was gardening with my parents, and suddenly I understood my position- I was in a dream. I called for my father and told him, "Dad, I am in a dream, I know this now. I love you so much. And I started to cry, and looked around frantically for anything different in my dream state vs life state, and could only find more vivid colours. Then I woke and cried.
